Workout Classes

So you’ve been following your own routine for awhile and maybe you work out with a friend occasionally, but you’re still getting a little bored with your work out, or you just want to try something new. Luckily, there are many exercise class options! Personally, I have only been to a Pure Barre class and the cycling class at my university, but I still think they are great ways to get out of your normal work out, or create a new norm for yourself.

Honestly, I do not recommend Pure Barre for guys! c700x420The way the exercises make you move are not natural for men and you’ll probably be the only guy in there anyways, which is quite awkward. The only reason I went is because my girlfriend dragged me along for one of their “bring on the men” days. Anyways, the exercises in Pure Barre strengthen and tone your muscles, as well as provide for some cardio due to the fast pace of the workout. If you’re interested in signing up for Pure Barre, here is the link to the website!

I have never personally been to a Soul Cycle class, but I have some friends who have gone and enjoyed it. Firstly, they provide you with shoe with clips on them so that your feet don’t slip off the pedals and they allow you pull up soul-cycle-studio-class-1on the pedal, as opposed to solely pushing down. Next for Soul Cycle, the whole class is in complete darkness. This will allow you to focus more on yourself and not so much the others in the class. The class also has an upper body portion to get an overall work out. If you’re interested in signing up for a Soul Cycle class, here is the link to the website. Also, if you’re interested in learning about Fly Wheel, here a good article about it!

I think a work out class could be a good way to shake up your routine or try something new! These classes are good ways to stay in shape and connect with other people! If you want to cycle outdoors, here is a nice set of clip pedals and clip shoes for your bicycle! Also, here is the link to my post about working out with a friend! Thank you for reading!

Building a Schedule

I know I’ve touched on this before in a previous post, but I want to emphasize how important it is to build a schedule. This involves your off days, what work outs you’ll do on what days, and of course, when you will work out every day. Building a solid schedule will help you to adequately diversify your work out, as well as stay on track with your workout.Calendar with pushpins

If you don’t have a schedule detailing when you’re going to work out, you may more readily skip your work outs. With a schedule, you’ll be more accountable to yourself to stick to it. Having a partner will keep you even more accountable! Another tip to maintain your schedule is to not make any other plans for when you schedule your work out. This should be a no exception rule! This means that if someone wants to meet you at that time tell them you aren’t available! If you start moving your work out around and skipping days, you’ll eventually just stop altogether!

Outlining your days off will help you to stay on schedule and not take random days off. This will also help to ensure that you keep working out. And it’ll be nice to know leadexactly when you have that nice day off when you look at your schedule! Discuss with your partner when you both want you off day to be! Being on the same page will allow you to be more focused during your work out and avoid possible conflicts!

Thank you for reading! In case you need somewhere to get started on building a schedule, here is a great weekly planner! This will help you stay organized and keep all your commitments in order! Also, here are the links to my post about having an effective day off and about how often you should work out!

Use the Buddy System

This post is all about finding a workout partner. I know it can be kind of boring to constantly work out alone. I end up getting discouraged sometimes because I don’t have anyone to spend my time with and that’s why I partnerrecommend finding someone who you can share a routine with. And if no one will do the same routine as you, you can take a little of their routine and some of yours and do those exercises together. You can work out together as little or as much as you like. You can also try switching off routines so your muscles get a more complete workout.

Another benefit of working out with someone is safety, especially when weight training. I know what it’s like to be stuck with a ton of weight on my chest with no spotter. It’s quite frightening to be honest. But if you have a work out partner, you’ll have a spotter and you won’t have to worry about getting that weight off your chest alone.

Working out with a partner will also make you work harder. Anytime I’m working out with a team, a friend or my girlfriend, I always push myself harder in order to either raise to my level or challenge 2-people-working-outmyself to beat them if we’re on about the same level. Or in the case of my girlfriend, I want to make myself look super sick in front of her. It’s just a part of human nature to work harder if someone is doing the same thing as you.

If you really don’t believe me about the benefits of working out with a partner, here’s a great article from Fitness Magazine! I think this article is good for reinforcing what I have just told you as well as giving a few other pointers! Also, here is the link to my post about why you should stay in shape! Thanks for reading!

Question Time

confused_customer-250x164So you’ve been reading my blog for a few months now. Now it’s your chance to critique my methods! How effective is this blog? Are my posts too short? Do you enjoy reading the articles I provide for you at the end of my posts? Please feel free to leave any question, comment, concern or recommendation in the section below!

Here are links to my previous post and my first post! Thank you for reading!